I just watched a dokumentary about Iran.
(Irans gröna sommar,
http://www.svtplay.se/ .)
You should do the same.
See it, and cry for the people of Iran.
Just like I, and many others have.
I want to find all the right words to say, for them.
My wish is to speak for them.
To tell everyone, that doesn't know.
But I can't evan find one single small word..to say to you.
After the tears I've dropped I'm left empty,
with a heart, heavily beating a little bit faster.
I'm angry.
But it doesn't help to be angry, does it?
Because when you are angry and you fight for your believes, you seam to be mad.
If you speak for the animals, people will laugh at you. A crazy, foolish activist dressed up as a chicken. You have witnessed blood, and you want get the peoples attention to be able to tell and convince as many as possible.
But the harder you try, the crazier you seam to be.
And the crazier you seam to be, the less people will care.
The harder you try, the easier people will find it to excuse what they choose not to see.
In their eyes, all you will be is a foolish animal-activist.
Or a crazy muslim, hiding your hair.
A stupid african with so little knowledge, he doesn't understand how to keep his own land.
A short time ago I updated my status on facebook: "Everyone and everything should refuse to send help and donate more money to the third world. To the hole world. Refuse and demand change! Cause you should not think that your donations actually help people!"
It's true.
A little bit naiv maybe, but true.
I was angry, now how crazy did I seam to be?
I am angry,
at everything.
The world.
ironiclly I am angry with someone I don't believe exists.
I think what makes me the most angry, is the "modern society".
I hate it. From the bottom of my heart, I hate it.
A plastic world.
We are living a bubble.
Unable to see the rest of the world.
It's all about us.
We are what everything else, is supposed to be.
We are blind.
The harder we try to live the way we should, the more we forget to actually live.
We think we know everything, but we don't have a clue.
This is not the way we are supposed to live.
Now how crazy to I seam to be?