Again I meet my doctor Carl Wadström at Sabbatsberg Hospital.
I cried of fear, but the staff were greate and managed to calm me down a bit.
It took me some time to get this surgury.
Firs time coming I was told to loose 8 kg n keep this weight for 6 months.
I lost about 13 kg, kept it for 6 months and came back.
Carl thought me breats alredy were smaller after the weightlost but said that if I still wanted to do it he would help me. And he could also see I had been fighting for it.
He put me on the waiting list and finally here I was.
I just could not understand that it was now happening for real.
To keep the tradition up I cried before they put the needle in my arm, I felt a hugh high and shortly after that I was gone...
When I wooke up 300 grams on each boob were gone and they were both uplifted.
That I just came from the operationtable did not stop me from being active when waking up. Though I was not able to handle it very well.
From pretending I was not tierd at aaaall I got to leave and get to my room quit fast.
Soon my parents came to visit me.
It was nice. They helped me to get my own clodes on after some nagging from my side.
I got come food which I ate slowly.
We talked for some time and I told them that everything went well, I just had a small bleeding during the surgury.
When they left I fell a sleep listening to slows in my mp3.
I woke up several times during the night, disturbing my neighbor.
Next morning after breakefast Carl came down and removed my bandage and I got to see my new boobs for the first time. They were very swollen and hard and they didnt feel like mine.
After that I got to take a shower with them and I could get a more close up look in the mirror. I could imagen the shape after they healed. Am sure it will be fine...
I was in pain and tierd so after my shower I fell a sleep again.
My dad came later to pick me up and brought me home.
It is paining a lot more now. They feel bigger then before the surgury...
But am sure it will soon be worth it.
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