Totally recomend you to do the same.
The magazine rocks and you contribute something. Not much, but something.
And it only costs 40 kr. Do it!

For the ones selling, for all homeless people in general, I feel love.
After I felt love, usually I start feeling like crap.
I feel selfish, stupid...stupid for feeling love.
Cause I guess it's not really all love.
Mostly pitty. And myself I feel like a hero after I bought the magazine.
But love is also there! For sure!
I feel many things at once.
Like I could do everything, anything to assist them!
Powerless, like I could do nothing.
And afraid of doing anything.
But I do dream about what I would do. "If I could".
It's winter. Imagen not having a door to close this time.
Actully, I don't fear not having a home myself.
I know I could do it.
If they can, I can.
And then I mean I would still be working and everything.
So money would still be in my pocket.
But simply not having a door to close (not during the winter), I don't fear.
It would be shit. But I don't fear.
I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.
Just that, the situation is a little possible.
So I thought about it.
And I don't fear.
The situation in Stockholm for homeless people has got a lot of attention recently.
More donations.
New projects.
Books has been published and so on.
The problem is it doesn't really help much.
Just like the aid in Africa for example.
You may think that, after I've been to Africa I donate more.
But it is the other way around.
I've seen, so I don't trust.
The only organisation I believe more in is Amnesty.
For the homeless people, and the people in Africa aid will never be enough.
Things in the society system needs to be changed.
It's us and them.
But anyone of us could become them.
And them, can become one of us.
We should be one.
Brothers and sisters.
We should.
But we are not.
Who are you to ignore them?
Next time I'll see one of you, I'll try to really see you.
Because I know that you are my sister, or my brother.
Love to YOU
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