lördag 19 september 2009

torsdag 10 september 2009

Pippi Långstrump

Fy fabian va jag önskar att jag va lika het som Pippi!


Got my Hair Done

Today I went to a gymnasium were they are educating students to become hairdressers.
I got Mikaela.
She was a very nice girl. Very cute...
Since they are learing it's cheaper but it takes a lot longer time - I put only colour in my hair n I was there between 13-17. She didnt find the time to cut it so I will have to go back.
But I really enjoyed talking to her and she took good care of me :)
She will be succesful working for sure.
My hair looks kinda natural, like what I had before. But nice!
I had a good time anyway.


tisdag 8 september 2009

Lovely Nemi

I Don't Speak

Plans, feelings, tears...
So much is going on.
Usually I need to tell the people close to me what I am going through.
But now I can't, and I don't want to.
I just don't wanna have the discussion.
But I will have to have it sooner or later...

lördag 5 september 2009

I'm Better Then This, What Happend To Me?

What I thought I would never do, I just did.
How could I?
I hurt you, for nothing...
I am so sorry my love... So sorry.
This aint me.
I try to do right always!
How could I...

onsdag 2 september 2009

Africa comin up?? :D

Sooon soooon, maybe I'm going!
Dont yet know for sure, if and how is gon happend.
But believing makes me the happiest girl in the hooole world!
Thats all I can tell you for now, but will get back to you for more details.