fredag 16 oktober 2009

To Cheat Or Not To Cheat, Dat's The Damn Question.

If I tell my story, my listeneres think you are the biggest ashole.
A liar, a hor, a backstabber.
I can feel like that when I'm angry wich is not often. But maybe I should be angry! I know I have the right to be. I guess I am too nice, too understanding. And too damn naiv.
But you know what? I'm done.

Cuz I learned dat when theres nothin more u can get from me, you don't care.
I'm done caring too.

What you did was no mistakes, you put up a fight to make it happen. All for you.
You selfish, greedy, cruel, nasty lil sun of a bitch!
I got no respect for you left.

You remember dis picture... dat I took on you when you were sleeping. If I look at it dis times I cry. Cuz I remember exactly how I felt in dis moment.
I admired you. I was so thankful I had you der. Nothin had ever been so beautiful to me.
I tried to capture your beauty on the camera, I was gettin angry cuz it didnt work.
Like I was afraid it would disapear. And it did.

I've been trying to understand you. I want to know how you think, how you look at it. I hav jus not been able to believe that you are not what I thought you were. But I got no more nice words for you, cuz I'm done tryin.
This time I am really done. I've said it many times before, I know.
But this time, I'm able to let go. I'm done.
I don't need you. I will get there on my own. You'll see.

If you really love someone, how can she not be enough?
Why do you always hunger for more?
How can it be worth it?
Is it your ego dat needs dat?
Evan my valuues has changed a lot after everything that happend, I know for sure I would never ever hav done the same to you.
I felt so strongly dat I was only yours, my body belonged to you and I would never let anyone else touch it. But I guess you were never really mine.
How can you be so selfish....
Life is not a joke! You are hurting real people dat matters jus as much as you. So who the fuck are you...what gives you the right?
Why is your ego n sexual needs more important then her?
Whats the point?

I'm So Done.

måndag 5 oktober 2009

Lovely Nemi

Hahaha Susan Boyle duuuuuude....


Haven't been writing in some time...
Maybe yeah, a bit cuz am lazy...
But also I had problems dat I hav been stressed out about.
N I'm tierd of writing about my problems here...come oooon.
Am such a crybaby...
All I look forward to now is to jus go to Africa...
Which will probably be on my own in jan-feb.
Am tierd of prosponding.
But I feel like is better I am sure of dat I hav enough $$$ so I can stay longer cuz after dis time I will probably not be able to go for years...
I look forward to my adventure. :)
So much...
To jus throw myself out there, meet new people, discover new places....
Being in my village. My home.