måndag 27 juli 2009

Lovely Nemi <3

Nemi är en tecknad serie som skapades i den norska utgåvan av tidningen Larson år 1997 av norskan Lise Myhre. Huvudperson är Nemi Montoya, svartklädd metaltjej, som är cynisk och romantisk. En viktig roll spelas också av Nemis bästa kompis Cyan, som utgör den "normala motpolen" till Nemi. Serien började som dagsstrip och blev snabbt mycket populär, och samlingar med stripparna plus längre avsnitt finns även i form av album. Sedan en tid tillbaka finns även en månadstidning med Nemi där bland andra även seriefigurerna Lenore, Kalle och Hobbe, Arne Anka, Death Junior och Reservatet publiceras eller har publicerats.
Avsnitt som inte publicerats i dagspressen handlar om ensamhet (bland annat en tolkning av Edgar Allan Poes Alone) och komplicerade relationer (bland annat hur dåligt Cyan mår av att hennes pojkvän lämnar henne), och visar på en vilja att driva persongalleriet i Nemi bort från en ytliga hårdheten mot en mera komplicerad vuxenseriekaraktär. Nemis svaghet är choklad och muffins. Nemis favoritdjur är drakar och pangoliner.

.The kick-off Party for The Pride Festivals volonteers.

I was exited to go to meet new people, but also scared since I didnt know anybody there.
Dont like this situations.
I was first standing wit my cellphone acting busy, when I realised how stupid dat was I just got in the line to get food.
Wit my plate finished I looked around, I noticed two gurls standing around a small table dat didnt look to scary.
I went for it.
And THANK GOD they said of course I could eat wit them n we introduced.
I really enjoyed talking to them, they were interesting people.
After eating n talkin some more we decided to go dancing.
I had fun n they played good n mixed music dat could fit for everyone, good job DJ!

Later I went out to hav a ciggarete wit one of the girls. We stood outside talkin n when I finished it she said she was goin back home, I decided to join her. Nice person... Cute, social, funny. I liked her. We changed numbers and went seperate ways at the centralstation.

Goin home I felt good. I love the volonteerlife! Cant wait to start working on the festival.


tisdag 21 juli 2009

Good old Days

I miss dis times...
Emmzz my love, good luck in LA!
Hope you will find your American Dream.


I love love love tatoos.
Cant wait to update mine.
Missin the cash though...

måndag 20 juli 2009

.Update of my pathetic Love Life.

Sooo, again Demba seames to be back in my life.
If he will stay in it is the question, but I doubt it.
2 weeks ago maybe he called cuz of dat I called his friend to ask about the money he ows me.
Cuz himself he didnt reply my message.
During the conversation I started crying,
all dis is too stressful.
He is sayin dat he has done nothing wrong of course.
But I dont believe him.
And I am happy now, I found my peace.
I wont let him mess dat up for me.
We talked few times on the phone after that,
and yesterday we meet in town so that he would give me another 500 kr and later we would go clubbin. We talked quit a lot...
I was angry every now n then, bringing him attitude and stupid comments about his new girlfriend.
But...I had fun.
And I loved just being wit him again.
I loved pretending everything was fine.
Few days earlier my friend Emma asked me, so u dont think dat when u meet him your feelings will blow up again?
I said no. Silly silly Magda...
How could I forget the way I feel when I am wit him?
He is still somehow for me the only one,
I still love the person I thought he was and still want him to be so badly.
I want that person back.
This was not how it was supposed end.
It was supposed to be me and him always.
To date new people feels for me so pointless,
cuz I doubt I will feel like this for anybody else.
Nothing compares to him.
This night I was dancing a lot wit him,
I realised how much I missed to feel him close.
Our chemestry makes my heart beat faster n I feel so relaxed.
He says he wants to start seing me again.
When I am wit him after some time he makes me so weak.
My logic is no longer there.
It feels right.
He gets the power over my heart.
Next day I was crying a lot.
Because I would love to start seeing him again.
He was not just an ordinary crush.
What he made me feel I cant describe wit words.
I want, but I shouldnt. I cant and I wont.
But I want.
I want his words to be true.
Know its stupid after everything he did, I know I am naiv.
But I cant help it.
I'm a fool.


måndag 13 juli 2009

söndag 12 juli 2009

The King of Pop - RIP

They did such a cool job to honur him. Much love to you.

Rasism - George M. Fredrickson

När jag såg den här boken i hyllan i Vällingby Centrums bokaffär tvekade jag inte en sekund innan jag köpte den!!
Tyckte den verkade superintressant, snyggt omslag.... Jag var såld.
Jag har nu tagit mig igenom knappt halva, meen....jag ger upp!!! Jag klarar det inte! Jag vill ju verkligen men de går inte!
Den är så fruktansvärt tråkig!
Okej, den här väl sina moments liksom och intressant fakta. Men jag kommer knappt ihåg någonting av vad jag läst, kan inte koncentrera mig.
Hur kan den ha fått så bra kritik av både DN och Svenska Dagbladet?
Den är enformig och tjatig och är skriven på ett sätt som politiker pratar på när de vill låta smarta men igentligen bara vill prata bort ämnet så att man inte hinner med.
Eller...så kan du ju också vara jag som bara e blond.

fredag 10 juli 2009

Lovely Nemi

.I Hate Dating.

Weell, I dont have any excuses for myself.... Were to start?
I am too much.
I like him.
He seames...nice.
Like he has a good heart.
But I am afraid.
I know I wont let him come to close for long.
If I will evan let him.
Yesterday...well things got a bit further then I planned.
We didnt go all the way.
But I was just not redy.
Evan it was nice, it was too fast.
I hate dating...
I miss having somebody to belong to,
to feel safe and comfortable with.
To have somebody that it feels good with alredy, that you work with.
I hate "trying".
To date sucks, I wish I could just meet somebody that you become close friends with first so that the love comes naturly after a while... Thats nice...

torsdag 9 juli 2009


My date yesterday was nice, he seames like a very nice guy... I liked him.
I could be relaxed with him and I laughed a lot, probably the best date I hav been to.
We had Sushi and after we went to the Cinema, I got to choose :P . So of course (you know am a nerd) I choose Ace Age 3 in 3D. He was not too happy about it, but was okay! :P
In the cinema it was very cosy.
Only thing is he had a quit diffrent child hood, which has made him...fine I wont say cold! But I guess he is not too sentimental!
And this way I am a bit afraid of, dont think I would be able to handle this well.

On my way home...fuck, again Emma is gonna kill me.
When I was walking from the Subwaystation, one guy (african) that was walking in same direction as me starts to talk to me. He seamed nice, very respectful.
And then...of cooouuuurse, he tells me he is from Gambia. Evan from the same tribe as Demba!
In this moment half of me wanted to just run.
But i didnt. I smiled, and I greated him in his languge and laughed at his suprised face.
I cant help it! There is something with africans that I need now! They have a way of being that makes me feel calm, happy and more alive. It's hard to explain.
And I miss Africa so much...so much.
But I swear we will be nothing! We wont! Really! '
...did I by the way mention we are meeting up later today...?
(for those who dont know me I am everything but a rasist, but yes, I dont want to only cuz of where he is from. I tried ones evan though everybody was warning me. I am just NOT going through that pain again...)
I just also wanted to have some friends in my new neighberhood and you know...I just wanna be their babygurl that I was in Zambia...
I miss that too.
I miss my crew....Biggie, Cavello, Diva, Motorcycle and Paul.
Am thinking about you guys every damn day. Much love to you.

tisdag 7 juli 2009

Lovely Nemi

.Am officially running for love.

Today after work I went to Åhlens were I baught a nice calender (really need one now for work) and things for my appartment. On my way back home I couldnt keep myself, I went into the bookstore and baught 4 more books about Africa. Cant wait to digg in!!

When I got home I went online and started chatting wit a guy that am actully meeting tomorrow, he is sooooo HOT! haha... I am quit scared of dating...but I also enjoy it. And I now I will be more careful this time. But I feel a bit worried about me running for love a bit too fast? My heart just healed, I finally found my peace. I am happier then I hav been for a long time. Am I really redy? Anyway, am praying I will find somebody that will treat me nicely this time...

Feel a bit stupid also that am talkin to and meeting up wit diffrent people at the same time but I guess thats what you gotta do when you are single. Will anyway not go far wit none of them until I am sure of what I want. I know I aint playing wit them or anything, but I guess I wouldnt enjoy telling them about it...but besides if they'd ask I would not lie. I know maybe it's a bit silly but I cant help feeling guilty.

Hav to go, got laundry n then i will take my dog and mp3 out for a walk.


måndag 6 juli 2009

Scream - Janet & Micheal Jackson 1995

The King of Pop - Rest in Peace


Lovely Nemi <3

.To do the right thang.

I do mistakes and stupid things all the time,
just like everybody else.
But, for me, to try to do right, is everything.
Top priority.
"An ye harm none, do what ye will"
Thats what it says on my chest,
do whatever you want as long as you dont harm nobody.
I do what I can to follow it.
The tatoo reminds me of my values everytime I look in the mirror.
I want to be what I have in my heart,
no matter what it takes.
Because to be honest,
this way of thinking is often not to my advantage.
People step on me.
And I don't do revenge.
But to me it's worth it.
Cause in the end,
I need to be proud of my life.


fredag 3 juli 2009

Me, Myself and I - Beyonce Knowles

"I'm smarter then that" Love

Lovely Nemi <3


Mia Törnblom

Mia är nog en av de mäniskorna som jag beundrar mest i världen, hon är så otroligt cool! Jag har alla hennes 4 böcker: "Självkänsla nu", "Mer Självkänsla", "Så dumt!" och "En härlig bok".

Böckerna är underbara men kan ibland va lite tjatiga, fast jag antar att det behövs i sådana böcker. Att det verkligen är tydligt. När jag läste boken "Så Dumt!" som handlar om hennes liv, kunde jag inte sluta! När jag inte läste, hade jag hela tiden boken i tankarna och ville veta resten av historien NU! Och jag diggar omslaget...

Tänk att hon från att ha INGENTING, har jobbat så hårt att hon skrivit alla de här böckerna, haft ett eget TV-program, utbildiningar som folk betalar för... Det är ju helt otroligt igentligen. Hon är en sann förebild och har så himla mycket att säga. Så lyssna! :)


torsdag 2 juli 2009

Love Lockdown - Kanye West

I like this video a lot, it's beautiful. Love